Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Dengue and Chikungunya Awareness- A Must Know In Rainy Season

      Dengue and Chikungunya Awareness- A Must Know In Rainy Season

Precautions and preventions at early step can help us keep our and our near dear’s health intact but it involves not only role of government or health authorities but we also should be aware of the various measures which can be taken .As we are daily seeing in news that there is a drastic global rise in incidence of dengue along with chikungunya  . According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 390 million cases of dengue fever worldwide, and of the total number of cases, 96 million require medical treatment. India also saw a doubling up of cases of dengue from 2014 to 2015 and the worst hit city was Delhi with over 1800 cases of the fever. 2016 isn't expected to be any better and this has become a cause of concern for the country.
We will brief the various signs symptoms and preventive measures needed for our readers.Hope it will be beneficial to cope up the prevalent situation.
Dengue  is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by one of the many closely related dengue viruses. It is an acute illness caused by one of the many types of mosquitoes in the genus Aedes Aegypti. Typically people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80 per cent) and only only 5 per cent have severe illness.
Signs and Symptoms-
·         High fever
·         Joint pains
·         Headache
·         Nausea
·         Appetite loss
·         Vomiting
·         Dip in blood pressure
·         Characteristic skin rash- rashes rarely occur on the face. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet may be swollen and bright red.
·         Drop in platelet counts

Diagnosis- Diagnosis of this disease isn't difficult. A blood test for the disease against the virus can tell whether the person is affected or not. . An early detection and a proper medication are considered positive factors and help in lowering fatality rate of the disease. See a doctor, take the prescribed medication which are mostly pain relievers, rest and drink maximum fluids. If the situation worsens in the first 24 hours, do not delay going to a hospital for checking against criticalities.
Dengue prevention plan -

-          Dengue virus is mostly active in the early morning and later afternoon.
-          Tropical and sub-tropical areas are more prone to dengue outbreaks. Travellers from and across such regions can also carry the disease.
-          Reduction of number of mosquitoes by improved water storage, proper waste disposal, and checking water stagnancy.
-          Mosquito repellents are also quite effective but they should be used with the following points of caution: Avoid them for infants below 2 months of age; For infants older than 2 months, apply repellents containing 10 per cent DEET; Avoid applying them on palms, near eyes or mouth; Always read the instruction on the label, particularly for babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
-          Avoid wearing dark and tight clothing because mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours. Wear loose, white and long clothes, which cover the whole body. Mosquitoes find it difficult to bite through loose clothes than tight fitting clothes

What is chikungunya? What are the differences between chikungunya, dengue and other mosquito-borne virus?
Like Dengue, chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. The most common symptoms of chikungunya are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. Symptoms of chikungunya usually resolve within 7-10 days. Chikungunya is very rarely fatal.
Mosquitoes feeding on infected individuals can become infected and then spread the disease toothers. It can be difficult to tell the difference between chikungunya and dengue as they both sharesome clinical signs. Dengue causes more severe disease than chikungunya and hospitalizations and fatalities are much less common with chikungunya.
There is no vaccine or specific treatment for either dengue or chikungunya. Supportive care includes rest, staying hydrated, and taking paracetamol (or acetaminophen) to reduce pain and fever.
Prevention involves protecting yourself from mosquito bites.

High Risk groups-
The specific groups at increased risk include:
• new-borns
• pregnant women
• adults more than 65 years old
• travellers with pre-existing medical conditions (eg. high blood pressure, heart disease,
chronic pulmonary or other serious disease and alcohol abuse) 
What should be the role of Local health authority done to prevent and control chikungunya outbreak?
• focal residual spraying around homes of chikungunya cases,  airport, hospitals,
• surveillance of mosquito populations and breeding sites at  prone sites, major hotels, to
identify risk levels for these sites, and to subsequently control any breeding sites;
• a national mass clean-up campaign   to reduce mosquito breeding sites  
• treatment guidelines  should be developed and distributed to all health professionals;
• community awareness via multi-media campaign  is a must
• community mobilization on source reduction  should be in place 

**Need of hour is -surveillance, clinical management, risk communications, prevention and control.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Foods To Improve Fertility Chances of a couple

                               Foods To Improve Fertility Chances of a couple

Fertility is also a matter of sensitivity, especially in our country. Though, with medical science evolving daily, there are many solutions to treat infertility, yet, there are scientific reasons to believe that an effective solution may lie in the food that you eat. To a large extent, the functioning of our body is governed by our diet.Lifestyle plays a vital role. An unhealthy lifestyle can inhibit the secretion of hormones that promote sperm production.
As such there is no specific food item which can bring miraculous change in fertility and even medicines but there are multiple ways which can add on to improve chances.Basic is definitely healthy habits one should follow.Here we are sharing with readers some of the benefits of specific food items while planning a baby-
1.Eggs – Eggs have a high concentration of vitamin D. It has been widely suggested that this vitamin has a key role to play in pregnancy.
2.Almonds – Almonds are carriers of vitamin E. They promote a harmonic ovarian cycle and thereby lead to better chances of pregnancy.
3.Banana – Fruits, in general can be a great boost to improve your chances of conceiving. Among these, bananas are known because of their high concentration of vitamin B6. The vitamin is a crucial component in the production of sex specific hormones that regulate the normal sexual cycle.
4.Sunflower seeds –     These are concentrated with amino acids and proteins. They can help your body develop a harmonic cycle and optimize the secretion of hormones in the body.
5.Seafood – Sea food that is rich in fatty acids and omega 3 also aids fertility. They help regulate the secretion of essential hormones related to fertility such as the estrogen. These can be consumed for the general well being too.
6.Pomegranate – Pomegranates are fortified with folic acids and vitamin B.   Pomegranate can contribute to an overall well being of the body through the production of red blood cells and improving the circulation. This fruit can be an elixir for enhanced fertility in men.
7.Broccoli – Green vegetables should invariably constitute a chunk of your intake. This is more so if you are trying to conceive. Vegetables such as broccoli contain a high amount of phytosterols. These promote enhanced secretion of hormones in men.
8.Fish – Sea water fishes with a high concentration of fatty acids can be of great help in your quest of becoming a parent. An added constituent in omega 3

The above list includes some of the most common dietary solutions to infertility in men. However, merely intake of these items may not produce the desired or instant results. Often, there is a parallel list of food items you need to avoid. This would invariably include red meat and alcohol.
*Note of caution-
 Some sort of balanced lifestyle need to be maintained as well. However, these food are not substitutes for professional medical help for conditions that are more acute

Healthy Habits Pre Pregnancy

                                                Healthy Habits Pre Pregnancy

When you think of becoming a mother it becomes your responsibility to provide the best in terms of baby’s growth. For that to maintain and follow a healthy lifestyle is a pre requisite.
1.Take balanced diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables
2. No smoking: Smoking is absolutely very dangerous for the baby as carbon monoxide, nicotine adversely affect the growth of baby’s organs. Smoking is also considered to cause premature delivery
3.Stay away from alcohol- Say no to alcohol,If you are taking it under peer pressure then you are not doing anything good for your baby. Doctors always advise expecting mothers to stay away from wine, beer or any other kind of alcohol
4.Take adequate sleep- Lack of sleep will make you feel tired and may increase the chances of developing high blood pressure in you, during pregnancy. Minimum 7-8 hours sleep should be there.Proper sleep also helps to get rid of stress
5.Avoid Junk foods like  burgers, pizzas, cold drinks, cake must go out of your life. A successful pregnancy demands lots of necessary nutrients and vitamins which you cannot get from the junk food. For better health of baby in future, get ready to switch to green leafy vegetables, fruits, dry fruits etc.
6. Use of mobile and laptops: Excess use can give you neck and back pain, unseen rays from these gadgets may not be good for your baby. Limit yourself with the use of mobile and computers and focus on book reading or walking or yoga
7.Stay away from negative things
8. Avoid Stress: If you take too much of stress, it can affect your chances of conceiving easily. A stressful mother will not be able to offer good, health to her baby. Stay away from all negative feelings and think positive if you want a healthy and happy baby
9. Avoid taking too much of coffee, soft drinks and other beverages containing caffeine. Excess of caffeine intake can give rise to infertility
10.Don’t take any medicines without consulting your doctor

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Stress In working Women and Pregnancy

                               Stress In working Women and Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with a good news in family but definitely it brings new challenges to the couple.
Especially for a working women, stress may add on in managing work so its better to try to keep a balance. No job is ever stress free  but you need to demarcate that clear line between how much you can take now that you are pregnant. When pregnant, even normal routine tasks go for a toss, and if we talk about work stress, it can sky-rocket. Jobs these days are already stressful and demanding when you are not pregnant, and the stress levels multiply owing to so many changes happening inside when you are pregnant.

A stressed mind tires the body and mind both and can have various impacts like-
We become aggressive, frustrated and depressed emotionally due to over stress.
One may have headaches
Elevated blood pressure
Sleeping Disorders  
Hormonal and physical changes happening to your body add to it
Stress causes the body to produce hormones that can cause miscarriages and other complications like preterm baby and low birth weight.
How to manage stress of work with pregnancy-

Take only that much work what you thing you can manage efficiently
Take your meals on time and regularly and maintain proper hydration
Avoid missing your regular check ups with your doctor
Communicate prior at your work place to avoid add on stress later
Always seek fron any emergency number to contact to help you in need
Resort to deep breathing and relaxation exercises in between

Each pregnancy may take different course so as note of caution whatever new you plan better take opinion of your family members and the treating doctor