Monday 23 October 2017

Patient Friendly IVF

                                                   Patient Friendly IVF
                                                     Author- Dr Richa Sharma(IVF Consultant  Mumbai)

Infertility Is a very rampant and stressful condition affecting not only couples but the whole family.If we go by the statistics -60- 80 million couples suffering from infertility globally every year, between 15- 20 million are in India alone.Rising trend may be due to the multiple factors like-
·         Late marriages (career oriented females)
·         Changing Lifestyles(obesity,Junk Food,Irregular dietary habits,Drinling alcohol,smoking,Drugs)
·         Stressful jobs with no time for sex
·         Social pressure
·         And of course due to increasing awareness due to which more couples seeking help and more clear diagnosis

But the story doesn’t end here.Diagnosis of Infertility add stress to couples further depending upon cause.More so in females as they are scared of taking medicines with their mind googled by so many myths with less facts.Here comes the role of an IVF specialist.

Treatment can vary following the hierarchy as per clinical status.It can be IUI/IVF. Definitely First thing which comes in Mind of women on advising IVF is the fear of Daily puncturing of their body with needles(Hormonal Injections given to grow eggs) so that may make them delay the decision to take it further.But thanks to advanced science and technology that Now we have the option of What we call as-PATIENT FRIENLDY IVF- it involves minimum disturbance of the normal physiology by giving least dose of medicines.Besides there are better versions of Injectable medicines available which are self administrable and less painful and lighter and it may be combined with the oral combinations also.This we call as –Soft Protocols.It helps to keep quality of eggs and embryos on better side with more ability of the womb to accept the baby(Endometrial Receptivity).But definitely decision is individualized as per patient clinical scenario as one size doesn’t fit all.So seek Proper Infertility Guidance with our Fertility Expert at earliest to help you fulfil dream of being a Parent.

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