Friday 26 August 2016

Contamination Transmission and IVF-Risks and Safety Issues !!

 Contamination Transmission and IVF-Risks and Safety Issues !!

IVF is showing a rising trend but with limitations of science in place.All done and said in good faith of already stressed childless couples but definitely to bestow them with a good health and a healthy baby .Definitely not at cost of acquiring any infection during this process.Besides safeguarding the health of treating team also-That’s the occupational health what we call.
Since the inception of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), questions about contamination and the transmission of infection have been raised
IVF is not contraindicated in case of HBV or HCV infection, but the decision is far more delicate 
Purpose is to highlight various infections especially grevious ones which can get acquired in process.
This will somehow effect the success rate also besides increasing transmission risk to the prospective child.
Various infectious agents can be-
Sexually transmiited diseases like Chlamydia
Hepatitis B, C,D
To add to it airborne spread also feared now of Hepatitis B
Genital Tuberculosis
Patient should give clear history
Thorough screening should be done
Universal precautions
Rule out and treat any infections before starting treatment
Full antibiotic course should be followed to avoid resistant organisms
Give detailed verbal and written instructions for semen collection
Maintain sterile zone

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