Most women are choosing to delay child-bearing and giving priority to their professinoal life .This also shows that the change in mindset and system in India and also suggests that women have an incredible level of control over their lives
With the miracle of science especially in the field of reproductive medicine has strengthened women to have more control on their body and lives especially in a stubborn society like India where though there is lot of hue and cry about saving girl child with minus output practically rather used as a marketing stunt only by the government and NGOs besides other greedy ones
Thanks for power of IVF which has actually empowered women and given her right to plan family and not to worry by the runing biological clock
That’s the miracle of modern Science
What is egg freezing ?
Its a technology in which after basic work up of the female is first done and counselled about all steps she will undergo clearing all doubts.Then certain consents are taken and she will be planned for the ovarian stimulation
Once she gets her menstrual periods then ultrasound is done to check AFC along with basal hormones like Estradiol,Progestrone and LH.If all with in range the she will be given injectable medicines called Gonadotropins on daily basis keeping a check on growth of folllices.Finally she will be given ovulation trigger and the mature eggs are extracted, frozen and stored (oocyte bank). Later, when she is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized, and transferred to the uterus as embryos after fertilizing with thePartner”s sperm
What are the indications of egg freezing and who all can undertake it ?
It started mainly for cancer patients but now its indications have extended over in cases o lack of male partner, single women,poor endometrium,alternate to embryo freezing, for research purposes, in certain countries where law doesnt permit embryos freezing, for export of eggs, in cases of Total fertilization failure recurrence
How safe it is ?
Its definitely very much safe and make sure you go for a lab with good results with good cryopereservation facilities as ultimately what we freeze we should be able to recover also else its all a futile exercise
How long we can store?
Depends on law of your nation and also the indication.Like In India we can freeze upto 1-5 years but there are reports of freezing even upto 24-25 years